5 Data Security Tips For Best Business Intelligence Software

 With the growing complexity and amount of data, buying a business intelligence (BI) solution that protects data is more important than ever. 

From protecting data to ensuring it is used correctly, you need a BI platform that lets you control, audit, encrypt, and manage user access to and use sensitive data. 

Becoming the best Business Intelligence software calls for a secure and efficient BI platform. 

Just as important is whether or not Business Intelligence software vendors offer a platform that has the expected data security and compliance level that is expected and meets international regulatory standards. Here are the 5 most important things to think about when it comes to data security and compliance in Business Intelligence tools. 

#1 - Secure Meta-Data Layer 

Meta-data gives information about and describes every data object in a database. It tells you important things about the data behind what you see in columns and rows. Think about when the data was uploaded, who uploaded it, what kind of data it was, etc., as well as formatting, calculated fields, and table structures. 

The meta-data layer sits between the user interface (UI) that your users will use to build reports and the queries they send to the database. With a well-designed meta-data layer, you can support dashboards and queries for self-service analytics with high performance and security. 

#2: Access Control Based on Roles (RBAC) 

Authentication and access controls based on roles are important modern features every analytics solution should offer. A role is a group of available security functions to which each intended analytics user is linked. It manages their available system functions within the application (like creating reports, writing data stories, etc.) as well as links and permissions over what data is available for reporting. 

With role-based access in an analytics solution, it's easy to control what data can be accessed and shared based on the needs of the users, the departments they work for, etc. 

For instance, you may have a group of Business Intelligence tools users who only need to look at the reports your team makes for them. In this case, their role may only allow them to read. 

#3 - Single-Sign-On (SSO) 

Single sign-on (SSO) authentication lets users log in to different websites and apps with the same ID. It's a security measure that's becoming more important, and it's just as crucial that the Business Intelligence software vendors you choose support this authentication method so that your analytics users can access their BI tools safely and without any problems. 

#4: Security for the content 

Content management is one of the most important things organizations need to look for in an analytics solution. The ability to customize, limit, and control who can access content 

  • by what limits (department, project, etc.) or 
  • experience (general reports, day-to-day summaries, management reports, etc.) 

is the key to making sure the right permissions are given and that complex and granular user experiences that keep sensitive data safe and secure are possible. 

#5: SOC evaluation and GDPR approval 

Data governance and data security go hand in hand with data compliance. Suppose Business Intelligence software vendors don’t have the right external certifications or don’t follow the necessary standards for encrypting, storing, accessing, and protecting sensitive customer data. In that case, it's only a matter of time before a data breach, either by accident or on purpose, and you get fined.  

Closing Words-

Get more information on one of the best Business Intelligence software by GrowGrow dashboard solutions are no-code, data security, data governance, and analytics suite. To learn more about us, read Grow data dashboard Trustradius.

If you’re still in doubt, try a free demo or talk to a sales team member today.


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